What’s included in the Video Masterclass? Is it worth my money?
Understand DCP: Extensive explanations will help you to understand how to build a DCP so you can create a fully functional one yourself later.
Create DCP: How to create a 100% playable DCP yourself. This is simply explained to you step by step in examples.
Check & Transfer DCP: So that every DCP server in the world accepts your DCP and you can guarantee the best film experience.
Module #1 (40 minutes)
Introduction: The cinema format is still the highest standard. What are common problems in the cinema and who is Sebastian Leitner. Which mistakes does he often see? Why not use BluRay?
Why your DCP often does not work: What are we doing in this workshop? What are common misconceptions? The quick overview of available DCP software helps to understand which tools are not recommended.
Myth-Busting: What are the differences between DCP and BluRay? Why should you really renounce BluRay in the cinema? What features does DCP offer when compared to traditional BluRay?
History Lesson: When did cinema become digital? How did the high-end cinema start? Which guidelines do exist? To understand digital cinema you need to understand its origins.
Module #2 (130 minutes)
Technicalities: Here we go right down the rabbit hole. Amongst other things, you learn about resolution, bit depth, color space, audio and reliability. What is the global cinema standard?
Prerequisites: Why is cinema mastering so interesting for beginners? How do you achieve the best quality? What monitor settings are correct to avoid surprises in the cinema?
Color Spaces: In which color space does a cinema work? How can you get the best picture signal? How is the picture different to your PC monitor?
Mastering in Resolve: How can you turn your finished movie into a playable DCP? Either edit in Resolve or import a finished file. What about audio and channel mapping? What is LOG?
Gamma Transformation: What’s dynamic range like in the cinema? How bright and dark is your finished film in the cinema? Which guideline for the best result?
Full VS Legal Range: What ‘range’? What is the correct interpretation? Because you can not really test your DCP without a cinema.
FPS Conforming: What are the differences between USA and Europe? Why is there only one, global but legacy standard? How do you convert frame rates?
Quality Check: How can you test your DCP after creation and make sure it can be played in any cinema in the world. Is audio OK?
Transfer & Cloning: How to write to a DCI Linux disk without corruption? What is the difference between copying and cloning? Why you should use the right hard drive. How to send DCPs online?
DCP Export + Subtitling: Sebastian shows you a typical examples of a faulty DCP and how to spot errors. Learn about options and specs.
How loud is a Movie?: Audio mix and volume. There are no standards, but are there limits?
Re-Wrap/Versioning: How to fix errors in existing DCPs and how to add subtitles later on?
How to adjust your monitor correctly?: The difference between several players. How to quickly set your Apple display to the right color space.
Banding fix: How to minimize artefacts from insufficient bit-depth. How to avoid it in the first place.
Module #3 (150 minutes)
From Zero to Hero – The Full Process: Sebastian demonstrates DCP-mastering with examples from start to finish and shows you every step to create your own DCP. To make it realistic there is even a software error at the end, which will of course be solved. Put everything you learned to the test and see the whole workflow with real-life examples, techniques, shortcuts and potential issues. There is also versioning, adding subtitles and cloning involved. This is the real deal and your most important lesson.
Recap/Test yourself: Did you understand everything? Earn your own ‘Certificate’ with a simple multiple-choice test and see if you can answer all the questions correctly.