Seminars and Workshops
3-day in-depth training course on Cinema Mastering, DCP and KDM
for five time Oscar® nominee CARTOON SALOON (Ireland) in June 2021
together with Carl Hetherington (developer of DCP-o-matic)
Sebastian and his colleague were able to take us on a two-days journey through the art of filmmaking, exploring the technical aspects and settings of filmmaking and editing as well as the art of dramaturgy and narrating stories. His workshop was a valuable help in developing our projects further and was a perfect combination between „hardware“ (technical requirements) and „software“ (personal skills) needed when trying to develop meaningful videos.
Elisabeth Korinth (Interactive Heritage Map of Syria, a project of the Museum for Islamic Art)
Just wanted to say thanks so much for writing this ebook! The DCP I created worked perfectly (and looked amazing) when I previewed it in the cinema and I doubt I could’ve produced it so quickly and confidently without having read your recommended methods. I really appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge and expertise with filmmakers for such a reasonable price.
Mark (Buyer of my English ebook on DCP mastering)
A strongly recommended masterclass imparting important knowledge about Digital Cinema Mastering which cannot be found anywhere else. DCP creation has taken on an important role today. Sebastian Leitner shares many years of experience and his know-how. A step-by-step guide to a professional DCP.
Ehsan Haghighat, Head Instructor Film at SAE Institute Berlin
Der Unterricht ist vom Inhalt und Umfang der, den wir uns schon früher in anderen Kursen gewünscht hätten. So sollte eine Vorlesung sein! Der Stoff wurde angenehm vorgetragen und war gut ausgearbeitet.
SAE Studenten, Abschlussklasse 'Finishing and Mastering for Web, Broadcast and Cinema'
Vielen Dank für das spannende und informative Webinar. Es ist mitnichten selbstverständlich, technische Daten unterhaltsam als auch zugleich inhaltlich dicht vermittelt zu bekommen.
SAE Student, Abschlussklasse '2D/3D Animation'